Episode #78 - Dexter K. White and Blackrock's Gambit for a BLM Suburban Takeover

Episode #78 - Dexter K. White and Blackrock's Gambit for a BLM Suburban Takeover

Gold Goats 'n Guns Podcast

Blackrock's takeover of single family housing has caused a lot of ripples like Bill Gates buying up strategic farmland around the U.S. Since the WSJ article in April there has been a concerted effort to backfill this and downplay it.

This week Dexter K. White joins me to discuss what this really means and how this is yet another targeted attack on the political and social fabric of the U.S. prepping it for the eventual collapse and rebirth under Davos' insane version of communism.

Show Notes:
The WSJ on Blackrock
The Atlantic's Hasty Denial

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