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Share the best moments from podcasts

With over four million podcasts at our fingertips, why do we keep coming back to the same ones? We hear about new podcasts all the time, but rarely do we give them a chance. Fountain takes you out of your comfort zone and into uncharted territory, where you will be inspired to embrace new podcasts approved by fellow listeners.
See clips from your friends and other listeners with similar interests
Check your home feed to which podcasts the community are talking about
Explore collections of episodes, clips and tracks curated by other fans

Support podcasts directly from the player

Our favourite podcasts have had a massive impact on us. Just think about everything you have learned and how they have inspired you. Since most podcasts are free, creators must find a way to make a living. By listening on Fountain, you can show your appreciation and send some value back in return. Simple, frictionless and fun.
Send a payment to the podcaster with a comment attached
Send a payment to the podcaster for every minute you spend listening

Join the conversation with other fans

Video sharing and social media apps make us feel more connected. But what about podcast apps? How are we still listening to podcasts on our own? On Fountain you will find a sense of community and fandom that you won't get anywhere else. Strike up a conversation with hosts, guests and other fans. Share your thoughts and see what other listeners have to say.
Show your appreciation for clips, comments and playlists by sending a tip
Enter the chat and discuss podcasts with other fans

Get rewarded for building the community with us

Every minute you spend consuming and sharing content increases the value of the app you’re using. But the ones you use every day would be worthless without you - and none of them reward you for being there. The time you spend on Fountain and your contribution to the community is valuable. We recognise this and reward you for it by giving regular listeners different ways to earn.
Earn when other listeners like your comments, playlists or clips
Earn by listening to promoted episodes in your home feed
Every day you have the chance to earn for listening to podcasts
Jump straight to a specific section and enjoy custom chapter artwork
Access and search accurate transcripts in every language
Organise your library by tagging shows and episodes
Save your listening preferences for each of the shows you follow
Queue up a list of episodes for uninterrupted listening
Program your podcast app to go to sleep at the same time as you do
Download content to listen to when you don't have a connection
Download content to listen to when you don't have a connection

Get more power with Fountain Premium

Subscribe to Fountain Premium to unlock unlimited access to a growing list of features and save yourself money in fees.
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Payments on Fountain are powered by the Bitcoin Lightning Network

On Fountain you can send and receive small units of bitcoin called satoshis (also known as sats). The value of bitcoin changes daily, but $1 is equivalent to roughly 4000 sats. You don't need sats or any bitcoin experience to get started with Fountain.
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Topping up your Fountain wallet is simple

Top up with a Lightning Wallet

Generate an invoice from Fountain and pay it with any app that allows you to send lightning payments such as CashApp, Strike or ZEBEDEE. Or just send money directly to your Fountain Lightning Address.
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Top up with your bank card

No Bitcoin? No problem. You can top up your Fountain wallet with your bank card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Heads up - you will be asked to provide some personal information during this process.
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