Tech Problems Wrecked Us | Real Use Cases Of Crypto

Tech Problems Wrecked Us | Real Use Cases Of Crypto

Mere Mortals

Laptop problems were the reason for our mini break, apologies everyone.

In Episode #333 of 'Meanderings' Juan and I discuss: how one of my RAM ports is fried, the nonsense of getting back all my settings, our mutual dislike of tech problems, why Juan was clambering out a window with his phone, a sum up of what we discussed the previous week (but never aired), Alexander Watanabe's latest project on Cardano, how you can short the floor price of a CNFT and the difference between Juan and I when it comes to thinking about crypto.

As always, we hope you enjoy. Mere Mortals out!

(0:00) - We're back
(0:47) - Laptop dramas
(5:36) - Living on low RAM
(10:03) - I can't log into the V4V podcast on Castopod
(11:22) - Why I don't run a lightning node
(12:41) - Hardware vs software
(13:59) - Work Wi-Fi and passwords defeated Juan
(19:47) - Why Juan hasn't yet started Mere Mortals Web 3 (MMW3)
(22:19) - The lost audios
(25:11) - Guchi: Shorting NFT's on Cardano
(29:12) - How everyone can make ADA
(31:02) - Juan's misunderstanding
(34:22) - Clearing up the error
(40:20) - Real life crypto vs money money money
(51:10) - Listen to Jeff Yew's interview

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