BCB034_ROBERT BREEDLOVE: Protecting Private Property & Ditching Santa Clause

BCB034_ROBERT BREEDLOVE: Protecting Private Property & Ditching Santa Clause

Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast

Acclaimed entrepreneur, writer, and philosopher Robert Breedlove joins Josh & Dan for a wild, productive, and cosmic conversation that meanders through a number of topics inside and outside Bitcoin.


  • Bitcoin as insurance on central banking
  • Why dogma is unhealthy
  • How fiat violates private property
  • Spirituality, religion & Christianity
  • Rob’s move away from Santa Clause
  • Sex on your birthday...& much more


⇨TIPS: strike.me/bcb (tips also open on Twitter)

⇨PODCAST 2.0 STREAMING: You can stream us fractions of a cent via Bitcoin sats on the Lightning Network!  We are live on Podcast 2.0 apps & wallets. BREEZ Wallet is a great way to get started→HERE is an easy tutorial that demonstrates exactly how to do it.

⇨You or someone you know is interested in having your product featured on our show?  Shoot us an email: bluecollarbitcoinpodcast@gmail.com


Robert Breedlove is an acclaimed entrepreneur, writer, and philosopher. He's possesses a truly special voice and perspective, with writing and speaking skills that boggle the mind. Rob characterizes himself as a freedom maximalist, someone deeply passionate about defending human rights of life, liberty & property. He’s come to Bitcoin because of the way he believes it advances of individual sovereignty & freedom in the world.  He is the host of his own podcast, the "What Is Money?" Show, and he regularly appears on other podcasts and media outlets. He’s had riveting discussions with the likes of Michael Saylor, Eric Weinstein, Preston Pysh, Jordan Petersen and the list could go on.  He co-authored the book "Thank God for Bitcoin: The Creation, Corruption, and Redemption of Money," and he regularly posts robust articles on Medium.


TWITTER: Follow Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast @blue_collarbtc, Follow Robert Breedlove @Breedlove22

EMAIL: Send us any questions, comments, or feedback at bluecollarbitcoinpodcast@gmail.com



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