Ricky Spanish - Escaping The Military And The Fiat Monetary System. #282

Ricky Spanish - Escaping The Military And The Fiat Monetary System. #282

Once Bitten! A Bitcoin Podcast.

BTC # 19,002

Today's guest on the show is anon Ricky Spanish who joins me to recount his stories of escaping the British Army, waking up to the manipulation of society and finding #Bitcoin.

How was Ricky injured in the army and why did an elongated stint in a hospital bed help him see through the whole system?

What events have led Ricky to the #Bitcoin rabbit hole and how did the military recruit then abandon him?

Why is the state a complete joke and how does mainstream media coerce, coordinate and manipulate society?

A huge thanks to Ricky for sharing his life story and for Orange Pilling as many people as he can!

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RELAI www.relai.ch/bitten

SHIFTCRYPTO http://shiftcrypto.ch/bitten Code BITTEN
COINCORNER https://www.coincorner.com/social/princeySOV

BITCOIN RESERVE - www.bitcoinreserve.com/bitten

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