BCB031_JOE CARLASARE: Nature Finds A Way with Bitcoin

BCB031_JOE CARLASARE: Nature Finds A Way with Bitcoin

Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast

Joe Carlasare joins Josh & Dan to talk current and future market conditions as well as how the game theory behind Bitcoin might play out in years/decades to come.

We Cover:

  • Can Bitcoin be banned?
  • Where the Fed's balance sheet may go this decade
  • Blacklisted Bitcoins and fungibility concerns
  • Joe's mid term price targets
  • Shy Joe considers himself a "Bitcoin MONEY maximalist"


⇨TIPS: strike.me/bcb (tips also open on Twitter)

⇨PODCAST 2.0 STREAMING: You can stream us fractions of a cent via Bitcoin sats on the Lightning Network!  We are live on Podcast 2.0 apps & wallets. BREEZ Wallet is a great way to get started→HERE is an easy tutorial that demonstrates exactly how to do it.

⇨You or someone you know is interested in having your product featured on our show?  Shoot us an email: bluecollarbitcoinpodcast@gmail.com


Joe is a lawyer, a commercial litigator, and he’s co-chair of the Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech group. He has been an active investor and proponent of Bitcoin since 2015. Professionally he  provides practical and legal expertise to individuals and companies on regulatory compliance and custodial solutions for digital assets. He is also the co-host of the Inside Bitcoin Podcast.

Josh & Dan both agree Joe is one of the most well-rounded Bitcoiners alive. He has the depth of knowledge and the breadth of knowledge across numerous disciplines, from financial markets to legal and political landscapes to more deep philosophical and game theoretic discussions.


TWITTER: Follow Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast @blue_collarbtc, Follow Joe Carlasare @JoeCarlasare

EMAIL: Send us questions, comments, or feedback at bluecollarbitcoinpodcast@gmail.com



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