Episode 72: Cracked Critique

Episode 72: Cracked Critique

Bitcoin Dad Pod

Sweden hikes taxes on datacenters (https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/04/14/sweden-drives-final-nail-into-its-bitcoin-mining-industry-with-tax-hike/) bitcoin miners included
Riot Blockchain's critique of the NYT (https://www.riotplatforms.com/news-media/press-releases/detail/150/riot-platforms-inc-statement-the-new-york-times)'s latest anti-bitcoin mining (https://archive.is/MQ7fm) article
A critique of Bitcoin's value proposition (https://blog.rongarret.info/2023/04/a-systematic-critique-of-bitcoins-value.html) focuses on nitpiking the whitepaper but provides a good introcution to bitcoin's security model
The ETH Shanghai hardfork has enabled unstaking (https://coinmetrics.substack.com/p/state-of-the-network-issue-202#%C2%A7the-shanghai-redemption-ethereums-latest-upgrade) and the onchain activity suggests relatively high demand to hold for stakers
LIDO will not enable withdrawls (https://twitter.com/irina_everstake/status/1644068825107779629) but it seems like a reasonable technical schedule
Arthur Hayes, one of the BitMex founders, is shilling his investments in ETH staking infrastructure (https://blog.bitmex.com/shapellas-show/), a variation of buying the first page of alts in a bull rise
Bitcoin Education
Bitcoin Optech #246 covers a new proposal for off chain lightning channel rebalancing (https://bitcoinops.org/en/newsletters/2023/03/29/) that builds on channel factories
NOSTR education and an LNBits guide (https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/lnbits-nostr-market) by friend of the show darthCoin
Remember to get in touch bitcoindadpod@protonmail.com or @bitcoindadpod (https://mobile.twitter.com/bitcoindadpod) on twitter
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Music by Lesfm from Pixabay
Self Hosted Show (https://selfhosted.show/) courtesy of Jupiter Broadcasting (https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/)


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