Episode 40: The Only Way Out is Through

Episode 40: The Only Way Out is Through

Bitcoin Dad Pod

Poolin BTC mining pool suspends withdrawls (https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/09/05/poolin-one-of-the-largest-bitcoin-mining-pools-suspends-withdrawals-from-wallet-service/), likely insolvent
Bitcoiner does p2p trading, turns into a business, turns into a charge for operating an unlicensed money transmission business (https://doctorbitco.in/linktree/)
The case was factually misrepresented (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hbTCa2dbDwuU6T2sEXCgZ5kHh2l49ITw3jAvtS4tU4s/edit)
Lyn Alden's August Newsletter (https://www.lynalden.com/august-2022-newsletter/) analyzes clyces: investment, commodities, energy, and wealth itself
Arthur's latest blogpost For the War (https://blog.bitmex.com/for-the-war/) echoes the capital control, commodity cycle fears of Lyn and Russell Napier
A totally not crazy economics professor reiterates that rapid decarbonization (https://archive.ph/HmyPu) is a fantasy
Nordstream 1 has been shut down (https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/commodities/russia-not-resume-nord-stream-gas-flow-until-sanctions-lifted-2022-9) and the Kremlin will only start if if sanctions are lifted
Gazprom getting paid in yuan (https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1567116006639767555) for gas
Janine's This month in bitcoin privacy (https://enegnei.github.io/This-Month-In-Bitcoin-Privacy/August_2022/#overflow) is back, and juicy, since its three months of news
Bitcoin Education
Umbrel scripts (https://community.getumbrel.com/t/stuck-on-new-update/2354/10)
Remember to get in touch bitcoindadpod@protonmail.com or @bitcoindadpod on twitter
Consider joining the matrix channel (https://matrix.to/#/#bitcoin:jupiterbroadcasting.com) using a matrix client like element (https://element.io/get-started)
We were wrong, mostly, read up on how Muun Lightning Wallet is considered self-custodial? (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/rbbtxp/how_is_muun_lightning_wallet_considered/)
Value for Value
Podcasting 2.0 to support an indepenent podcasting ecosystem (https://podcastindex.org/)
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Fountain (https://www.fountain.fm/) podcast app (Android)
Podverse (https://podverse.fm/) (Cross platform and self hostable)
Castamatic (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/castamatic-podcast-player/id966632553) (Apple)+ Podcasting 2.0 to support an indepenent podcasting ecosystem (https://podcastindex.org/)
Sponsors and Acknowledgements
The Adopting Bitcoin Conference (https://adoptingbitcoin.org/2022/) Novem ber 15, 16 & 17, 2022 in El Salvador, use promo code BITCOINDAD for a 21% di scount
Music by Lesfm from Pixabay
Self Hosted Show (https://selfhosted.show/) courtesy of Jupiter Broadcasting (https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/)


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