61. Why bitcoin can’t be controlled by councils

61. Why bitcoin can’t be controlled by councils

The Bitcoin Standard Podcast

In today’s seminar Saifedean talks to regular seminar attendees about the Bitcoin Mining Council: a recently formed group of North American bitcoin miners that aims to “promote energy usage transparency [and] accelerate sustainability initiatives worldwide.” They discuss why centralized attempts to alter bitcoin are unlikely to succeed without broad community consensus, what we can learn from the proposed SegWit2x software upgrade of 2017, and why the claims of some popular green energy initiatives are dubious.

Related Texts:

Article on establishment of Bitcoin Mining Council: https://www.newsbytesapp.com/news/business/musk-s-bitcoin-mining-council-promises-sustainability/story

The Blocksize War by Jonathan Bier: https://blog.bitmex.com/the-blocksize-war-chapter-1-first-strike/

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NYDIG - https://nydig.com

Cyphersafe - https://cyphersafe.io/ 

OKCoin - https://okcoin.com/

Nodl - https://www.nodl.it/

Coldcard - https://coldcardwallet.com/

CoinBits App - https://coinbitsapp.com/


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