BCB002_Bitcoin and the Origins of Money

BCB002_Bitcoin and the Origins of Money

Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast

Josh and Dan discuss the origins of money, the purpose of money, and why this matters in the context of understanding Bitcoin.


⇨TIPS: strike.me/bcb (tips also open on Twitter)

⇨PODCAST 2.0 STREAMING: You can stream us fractions of a cent via Bitcoin sats on the Lightning Network!  We are live on Podcast 2.0 apps & wallets. BREEZ Wallet is a great way to get started→HERE is an easy tutorial that demonstrates exactly how to do it.

⇨You or someone you know is interested in having your product featured on our show?  Shoot us an email: bluecollarbitcoinpodcast@gmail.com

TWITTER: Follow Blue Collar Bitcoin Podcast on Twitter @blue_collarbtc

EMAIL: Feel free to send questions, comments, or feedback to bluecollarbitcoinpodcast@gmail.com

WEBSITE: https://bluecollarbitcoinpodcast.podbean.com/  


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