Episode 62: It's my trial and I'll tamper if I want to...

Episode 62: It's my trial and I'll tamper if I want to...

Bitcoin Dad Pod

SBF doesn't want his bail conditions to prevent him from tampering with potential witnesses (https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/02/03/sam-bankman-fried-negotiating-bail-conditions-court-filing/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines) in the case against him
Strike to expand app for US remitances to the Phillipenes (https://techcrunch.com/2023/01/31/bitcoin-based-app-strike-expands-in-philippines-to-grow-cross-border-payment-solutions/), which is nearly $1bn a month
Mullvad sounds the alarm (https://mullvad.net/en/blog/2023/2/1/eu-chat-control-law-will-ban-open-source-operating-systems/) on EU 'save the children' mass surveillance that might interfere with open source licenses
Shoutout to No BS Bitcoin (https://www.nobsbitcoin.com/) for the article
Bitcoin Education
Bitcoin optech #236 introduces serverless payjoin (https://bitcoinops.org/en/newsletters/2023/02/01/)
The proposal is to use noise protocol (http://www.noiseprotocol.org/) to implement p2p payjoin directly connecting user wallet
Ordinals are on chain NFS (https://ordinals.com) or digital artifacts, on bitcoin
Remember to get in touch bitcoindadpod@protonmail.com or @bitcoindadpod (https://mobile.twitter.com/bitcoindadpod) on twitter
Consider joining the matrix channel (https://matrix.to/#/#bitcoin:jupiterbroadcasting.com) using a matrix client like element (https://element.io/get-started), details here (https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/community/matrix/)
Some Nostr ideas from @adoptingbitcoin:
Android clients: iris.to, snort.social, amethyst
iOS: Damus
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Podcasting 2.0 to support an indepenent podcasting ecosystem (https://podcastindex.org/)
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Podverse (https://podverse.fm/) (Cross platform and self hostable)
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Sponsors and Acknowledgements
Music by Lesfm from Pixabay
Self Hosted Show (https://selfhosted.show/) courtesy of Jupiter Broadcasting (https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/)


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