EP18: Stay Humble, Stack Stats w/ Matt Odell, Bitcoiner

EP18: Stay Humble, Stack Stats w/ Matt Odell, Bitcoiner

Builders In Bitcoin

Builders In Bitcoin EP18: Stay Humble, Stack Stats w/ Matt Odell, Bitcoiner

My guest today is my dear friend and co-founder of Bitcoin Park with me, Matt Odell.

Matt is a Bitcoiner and has been broadcasting signal to Bitcoiners through his podcasts and commentary for longer than I have been in Bitcoin. I owe a lot of my journey to him, and I am excited to share our wide ranging conversation with y’all. Matt’s evergreen optimism and focus on a future built with Bitcoin are inspiring to say the least.

In this episode, we discuss and dig into:

  • why it’s important to stay humble and stack sats, especially in the wake of the FTX fiasco
  • how Bitcoin-only venture firm Ten31 is investing for the future
  • the best ways to onboard friends and family interested in Bitcoin
  • and a lot more…


Citadel Dispatch: https://citadeldispatch.com/

Ten31: https://ten31.vc/

Visit our sponsor https://mempool.space/, dive into their free and open source Bitcoin blockchain explorer, and gain new insights from their expanding suite of tools, including their mining dashboard.

Matt Odell on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ODELL

Citadel Dispatch on Twitter: https://twitter.com/citadeldispatch

Ten31 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ten31vc

Rod on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitkite

Builders In Bitcoin on Twitter: https://twitter.com/buildersinbtc

To learn more about Bitcoin Park, please visit and join: https://bitcoinpark.co and/or join our Discord where we are most active: https://discord.gg/YZ8x7mfFKj

And a massive thank you to:

- Producer - Tom Maxwell https://twitter.com/tomjmaxwell

- Theme Composer - Max Wellington https://twitter.com/immaxwellington


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